Providing support for the homeless, elderly, isolated and vulnerable.

We are a charity from Brighouse, West Yorkshire. We offer care, compassion and hope to the vulnerable, lonely, isolated and those struggling with domestic violence and food poverty.

Providing support for the homeless, elderly, isolated and vulnerable.

We are a charity from Brighouse, West Yorkshire. We offer care, compassion and hope to the vulnerable, lonely, isolated and those struggling with domestic violence and food poverty.


With your support we help to transform the lives of people in our community, ensuring anyone who needs help is supported

How We Help

Food Club

Sustainable low-cost food market with easy access to a Credit Union.


A safe space for support, information, advice, guidance, and activity sessions.

Elderly and Isolated

Combating isolation and loneliness of the elderly is a key focus for us.


We feed over 100 people every fortnight in and around Leeds City centre


A free support group for parents of children with special educational needs.

Domestic Violence

We offer support and help to those affected by domestic violence.

Centre for Warmth

Help, support and advice on keeping warm during the cost-of-living crisis

Home Funding

Affordable heating for the elderly in partnership with Eclipse Energy.


Preloved charity boutique raising funds to support Focus4hope.

How you can help


Your fundraising efforts mean the world to us, every little really does help.

Make a Donation

Help us to help those most vulnerable in our community.

Become a Volunteer

Only with the help of our wonderful volunteers can we help those in need.


The Big Christmas Project all wrapped up!

Our Big Christmas Project 2024 was a huge success and we would whole heartedly like to thank all who donated and volunteered for us in the build up to Christmas.

We managed to put together and deliver 549 Christmas hampers, which meant that 1249 children and 790 adults had food on their tables at Christmas.

Thats a total of 2037 individuals whose Christmas was made that little bit more special thanks to the kind donations and amazing support of our volunteers.

Thank you

Focus4Hope Lottery Grant

Focus4Hope awarded National Lottery Community Fund

Focus4Hope have recently been awarded a grant of £266,671 from the National Lottery Community Fund, which will help the charity immensely in the coming years.

The funding from the National Lottery will provide a secure safety net, covering overhead costs and meaning that all the donations and fundraising can go directly back into the community, allowing us to reassure people that our charity will be here for them for years to come.

“We are so grateful to have been given such an amazing amount of money. Without donations like these we wouldn’t be able to keep up with the growing demand. The funding will allow us to increase the amount of support, activities, meals and care we can give out over the coming months quickly and directly to where it is needed most.” 

Louise Reed, CEO & Founder

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