A safe space for support, information, advice, guidance, and activity sessions

A Hub for the Community
Hub4Hope is our Community Hub and is open Monday to Friday offering a safe space for people to drop in for support, information, advice, guidance or just a friendly chat. We never underestimate the power of a friendly face.
Working closely with statutory services, Focus4Hope can also ensure those who really need it know how to access further professional support.
Hub4hope also acts as an important venue for community group activities, we try to include sessions for all members of the community including the lonely and elderly. Some of our activities include: Craft and Create club, Coffee Mornings, Focus4SEN, Women’s Mentor groups, Childrens’ Holiday Events and many more throughout the year.
Hub4Hope Contact Form
If you have any questions regarding the Hub4Hope, please fill in the form below and we will reply as soon as possible.